- Software Description: About AXEL, This is a Web design tool for creating interactive Web content. AXEL 这是用于创建交互的网内容的网络设计工具。
- This is a web design on a case, I hope everyone can help, and prosperity of the network, to contribute. 这是关于网页设计的一个案例,希望能够对大家有所帮助,繁荣该网,贡献力量。
- Flat color design presents a web page as a diagram, using simple colors and photographs, and is the most common form of web design. 平面色彩设计使用了简单的颜色和图形将网站设计成了类似于图表的样式,这是最常用的网站设计形式。
- You will also find an amazing set of patterns and texture packs that will magically add a big impact to a web design without a lot of effort. 背景图片是其中的一个视觉元素,当设计得当,可以创建一个令人惊讶的氛围,传达设计师的风格。
- You can also change the colors, fonts, and other formatting without changing the theme by editing the core. Css style sheet for a site with a Web design program. 也可以使用Web设计程序编辑网站的core.;css样式表;从而更改颜色、字体和其他格式而不更改主题。
- Click Use the Web Site Wizard to automatically create a Web design with hyperlinks to have Publisher lay out the Web site and add navigation bar hyperlinks. 单击“利用‘Web站点向导’自动创建带超级链接的Web设计方案”,让Publisher确定Web站点版式,并添加漫游栏超级链接。
- We are also a web design company, just like our name "EZ Shop &Design".We help small business, organization, community, institution for building your own web site. 您的公司或组织是否跟得上全球企业e化的脚步,我们专为小型企业、组织、机构、团体打造专属形象的网站。
- The median wage for a Web designer in 2008 was $75,150,according to the BLS. 根据BLS的调查显示,2008年网络设计师的中等工资是75,150美元。
- The median wage for a Web designer in 2008 was $75,150, according to the BLS. 根据BLS的调查显示,2008年网络设计师的中等工资是75,150美元。
- He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies. 他陷入充满诡计和谎言的圈套。
- Previously, he also worked as a web designer at Eikon Design, a full-range design company in Leicester, UK. 以前,他曾在Eikon Design担任过网页设计师。
- Web design?That sounds like work for a spider? 网页设计?听起来好象在替蜘蛛工作。
- A:Web design?That sounds like work for a spider? 网页设计?听起来好象在替蜘蛛工作。
- A big part of Web design is art. 网络设计很大部分都是一门艺术。
- Giannini, an avid equestrian, lives with her husband, a Web designer, in Florence. 安尼尼,热爱马术,生活与她的丈夫,一个网页设计师,在佛罗伦斯。
- Properly written custom tags can allow a Web designer to create, query, and operate on data without having to write a single line of Java code. 正确编写自定义标记可以让Web设计者创建、查询和操作数据而无需编写一行Java代码。
- To a Web designer, custom tags look and smell just like standard HTML tags, except that they are able to leverage dynamic data on the back end. 对于Web设计者来说,自定义标记与标准HTML标记除了都可以利用后端动态数据外,它们看上去与使用起来没什么区别。
- If a web designer does not understand the mindset of a marketer or a salesperson, they won't understand the logic of how to create pages that sell. 如果一名设计师不具备推销人员的思想,也就无法制作出非常理想的促销页面了.
- I am a web designer, Here it is my personal webpage displaying some of my works.Hope you enjoy it and feel free to contact me . Thank you! 我是一名网页设计师,这是我个人的网页上展示了我的一些作品,希望你喜欢它,并随时欢迎与我联系。谢谢您
- A fixed layout is easy to maintain, and assures readability by all users and is easier for a web designer to code perfectly. “固定布局”易于维护,能够确保较强的可读性,也可以帮助网络设计师进行很好的代码布局。